We have new and used books for every age and interest.

Used prices range from $1.00 to $5.00, and new books in stock are 20% off the cover price.

Special orders are welcome!

We order new books on Mondays, and they arrive the next day or two days later, with no shipping cost. Used books can be ordered anytime, and shipping is $3.99 per item.
We can also order cds and dvds.

Aside from books we sell gift items by Natural Life, as well as handmade

journals, and other art and craft items.

Purchase orders from schools and churches are accepted.

We have a book club that meets on the 3rd Tuesday of every month at 3 p.m.

And if you’re lucky, Chico the bookstore dog will be here to greet you

(although he is a bad employee and doesn’t show up every day).

– Heather Wetzel, owner since 2000

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The Book Store Bookshop